One of the nice features of GitLab (not to be confused with GitHub) is that it provides an RSS feed for a group's activity (e.g. Git changes, issue creation, comments, etc). For example, the GNOME GitLab activity web page has an RSS feed.
While GitHub does provide RSS features for repositories, I wanted the same functionality for GitHub organisations (i.e. a collection of repositories). GitHub does provide an Events feed API for organisations but no equivalent RSS feed.
This website generates an RSS feed (an /rss.xml URL) for GitHub organisations. The feed can be configured to list events of the organisations you're interested in, and the type of Events you want displayed (and ignored).
For example, to have the RSS feed list the events of the SailfishOS organisation:
You can also provide the type of Events you wish to be excluded (ignored) from the RSS feed. You can pass in multiple "ignore" query parameters. In the following example, we ignore Push events and Pull Request Review events.
The following EventTypes are currently handled (and can be ignored):
For sensible defaults, I recommend ignoring:
You can limit the number of events you want in the feed by supplying a "limit" parameter.
For example:
By default, the limit is 100 events.
The GitHub API has a rate-limit which I need to respect. As such, I currently need to explicitly whitelist organisations to be scraped.
If you wish to have an additional organisation added, email me on contact (AT) this domain.